Školské aktivity

Briefing with MUDr. Mokošová about brain stroke

Briefing with MUDr. Mokošová about brain stroke

On 11th October 2016 our students attended the briefing with MUDr. Mokošová, neurologist doctor from Trnavská fakultná nemocnica. She introduced students the main causes and effects of brain stroke. She explained how we should behave in the case of brain stroke, or which steps should be taken. In ma...

The chain of values upbringing

The chain of values upbringing

On 6th October 2016 our school hosted visitors from religious spheres of Slovakia – Adriana Šišková, director of Elementary school of Matka Alexia in Bratislava ; Mário Nicolini, CEO of World forum of religions Slovakia ; Anna Galovičová, president of Slovak-Indian friendship association; and Doc. R...

Trip to Poland

Trip to Poland

Our students went for excursion trip to Poland on 6th-7th October 2016 with Mgr. Milena Bobáňová and Mgr. Alexandra Chromiaková. Students visited renaissance castle Pszczyna, and concentration camps in Auschwitz and Birkenau. We had the opportunity to visit those horrible places, where the greatest ...

It´s worth to do some sport

It´s worth to do some sport

On 10th October 2016 our school was visited by famous Slovak canoist sportsmen – Erik Vlček and Juraj Tarra who won the silver metal in XXXI. Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro. Both sportmen described our students the great atmosphere of Olympic games 2016. They positively evaluated the determination ...

Móric Beňovský alive!

Móric Beňovský alive!

For those who never heard about this man, let us introduce him. He was the great globetrotter, close friend of Benjamin Franklin, official rival of Katarína Veľká, leader and  well-known writer. Last, but not least, he was born in Vrbové, so our town became his home.  He was introduced to ...

Cesta na Jestřábí věž Robinsona Jefferse

Cesta na Jestřábí věž Robinsona Jefferse

V jeden bežný školský deň nám oznámili, že sa bude v našej triede konať prezentácia pána Bedřicha Ludvíka a Evy Svobodovej spolu s premietaním videa na tému „Cesta na Jestřábí věž Robinsona Jefferse“. Napohľad som videla, že sú to už starší ľudia a pomyslela som si, že ma to asi veľmi nezaujme, ako ...


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