Achievements of our students in SOČ

Achievements of our students in SOČ

On 8th of April 2016, the regional round of 38-year of competition in SOČ took place in the building of Stredná Priemyselná škola Trnava. Our students also participate in this competition annualy. From the School science conference held regularly on our Gymnasium, were in this school year chosen students, who included their hobbies and interests in complex SOČ works.
In this year of regional round advanced: Adam Čerešnák with topic How to start with E-shop, Matej Kubák and Marek Urban with Creation of Film, Soňa Predná with Sheat-fish, Dominika Pánska and her Dog Training and Kristína Šugrová and Patrícia Krchnáková with topic Cleaning products economically and healthy. All our students represented our school excellently and we managed to take two second places in categories Informatics, Chemistry and Food. Marek Urban and Matej Kubák took the prize as well as Kristína Šugrová a Patrícia Krchnáková.


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